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Introducing Friends of Communication intern, Joey Mazzone


By Joey Mazzone, FOC Intern, Communication Major

University of Cincinnati Class of 2025

Hello everyone, I'm Joey Mazzone, the current newsletter intern for Friends of Communication. So far, I have thoroughly enjoyed writing and curating stories for the newsletter, gaining valuable experience in the process. I am currently a third-year communication student with certificates in public relations and digital engagement. Upon graduation, my goal is to work in the field of public relations and do some sort of writing for a large company. I originally am from Shaker Heights, Ohio, just outside of Cleveland. My family is full of Bearcats, with both my father (Class of '84) and brother (Class of '23) being part of the UC family.

On campus, I'm actively involved not only with the FOC newsletter but also with the First-Year Experience program, where I help guide young communication and PR freshmen as they transition into college. I serve as a valuable resource to the students, providing my personal insights and guidance. Additionally, I work as a desk assistant at the newly renovated Calhoun Hall. Finally, I am a member of Lambda Pi Eta, the communication honors society. In my free time on campus, I enjoy weightlifting at the rec center, participating in my intramural basketball league, exploring new local restaurants, and attending UC sporting events.

The Communication program is currently in an excellent position. My favorite aspect of the program is the diverse range of coursework it offers. As a dual communication and PR student, I've taken classes in research, writing, interpersonal, sports, rhetoric, and many others. This curriculum has allowed me to identify my interests and strengths, which will guide me in my post-graduate professional career. The program's professors are supportive, knowledgeable, and outstanding leaders. The future of UC communication graduates is promising!


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